Anil Selam
About The Artist:
Born in 1988 in Ankara-Turkey. I’m still studying Physics Engineering and Business Administration. As a hobby, I’ve been drawing from childhood years using different methods. Expecially cars… I’m using lots of different equipment like soft pastels, charcoal pencils, markers, fineliners, and mostly colored pencils. Nowadays, I’m trying some new technics like “White on Black” or some “made from two cardboard” jobs.. Also I’m trying to draw 60’s and 70’s American Cars as many as I can find time to do some.
Classic Car, Exotic Car, Hot Rod/Custom Car, Lowrider, Muscle Car, Cartoon
Facebook Page:
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Torque-Art-An%C4%B1l-Selam/183277591777477 (Page down since 05/09/2020)