Arvil Shep Shepherd
b: May 7, 1935
d: October 2, 2007
About The Artist:
Shep is primarily a “Self Taught” Artist……With a GOD given talent, to be able to convey to others that which is in his mind, through the medium of Art.
He also was heavily involved in the “Hot Rod” / ” Street Rod” movement over the past 40 some years…….In the early 70’s he owned and operated Shep’s Custom Painting in Winston-Salem, NC…….(Custom Painting, Lettering and Pin Striping Vans, Corvettes, Street Rods etc)Over the years Shep’ has built several Hot Rods, Customs and “One of a kind” vehicles….(His latest “Project” can be seen on this site….,SCORPION )
At this time he was instrumental in bringing the National Street Rod Association to the area. ( The NSRA NATS SOUTH )Shep served as an Event Director and an Official of NSRA for over 10 years…The “Event” was moved to Knoxville Tn. where it still is one of the Premier Street Rod Happenings in the Nation.
During this time Shep’ continued to do Commercial Art, Signs and an occasional “Commissioned Painting”……In the late 70’s he moved to Mt Airy NC and started to devote most of his time to doing Sandblasted and Carved Redwood Signs…..And at this time he produced his first Limited Edition Print..”Pilot Knob”…………Since then he has produced over 20 Limited Edition Prints.
Shep is “Semi-Retired” and is building a” Studio / Workshop ” in the mountains of North Carolina…….. when he is not “Walking on the Beach”
Shep’ invites you to contact him through e mail,,,,, and he looks forward to hearing from some of his “Old Hot Rod Buddies”.
Classic Car and Hot Rod/Custom Car (Portrait)
http://artbyshep.homestead.com/index.html (Site Down 08/21/11)