Jean L´Homme

Jean L´Homme

Jean L Homme

About The Artist:
I have always had a long association with classic cars since I was very young. My father would always take me to the latest motorshows and classic car shows in England and from there grew my passion for all things that have an engine and move with style.

I was born in London in 1971 to a family on one side originating from Mauritius and the other Paris. My family have all been for many generations artists and I feel fortunate to have such a background.

I originaly studied Photography at the Unversity of Westminster and went on to do photographic work. However I was more and more drawn to paint as for me it has a more original way to express.

My style does vary but in general it is more of a cartoon than anything else as I want to capture more the soul of the car than to replicate it as in a photo. I live currently in Madrid, Spain and I am available for commisions, but much time is needed as I am also involved in organising events.

I hope you like what you see in my website and I am open to all comments.


Classic Car

Website: (Site down since 5/24/2020)

Jean L Homme artwork

Jean L Homme artwork

Jean L Homme artwork

Jean L Homme artwork