Reinfried Marass

Reinfried Marass

Reinfried Marass

About The Artist:
Reinfried Marass, is a Austrian based professional photographer and automotive artist, born 1960 in Vienna.

After my graduation as mechanical engineer at age of 18 I went on a trip to Egypt and Sudan and was so inspired I started photography immediately upon my return.

My former career as an engineer always kept me in contact with classic and exotic cars. Due to my ‘car-network’ and very close contact with car dealers, car owners, car collectors, etc. I’ve access to nearly all types of cars. ‘Automotive Photography’ and ‘Automotive Art’ became a niche I’m specialized in.

I’m a freelancer doing photography on assignment, editorial photography for magazines and automotive fine art prints. In addition, I’m doing fine art automotive calendars for some upper-class car dealers in Europe.

My work has been internationally recognized and awarded at some of the world’s most famous photo-contests. My photographs have been published in various international magazines and automotive books, including covershots and centerfolds. Some of my images are used as ‘reference’ for agencies, eg. used for full side ads in magazines like ‘The Picture Professional’ and ‘Applied Arts’.

PSA (Photographic Society of America) Exhibition at the National Gallery of Kyoto, Japan / World Photography Day 2008.
Some of my work is distributed by the ‘Saatchi Gallery of Contemporary Art, London’. Additionally I run various permanent exhibitions in Austria.

The positioning and relationship of ‘points’, ‘lines’ and (geometrical) ‘areas’ in my photographs is influenced by and ‘dictated’ by the famous german ‘Bauhaus’ (‘House of Building / ‘Building School’) that combined crafts and the fine arts and operated from 1919 to 1933. These rules of formal composition are very important to my work and can be found in many of my photographs.

As an artist and perfectionist I did go one step further and I added and established the usage of ‘Fibonnacci Harmonic Levels’ in photography.

I often use female models to add a ‘slice of life’. I like the contradiction of the female body to the more technical design of most vehicles. Or just to add some style, beauty, fashion or simply to add a touch of erotic. Or just to ‘drive the viewer back in time’.

The other – more expressive – side of my automotive artwork is ‘storytelling’. Scenical car shots or series, with or without people, where the interpretion is up to the viewer.

“In my opinion the highest level of an art-image is reached when a photograph starts to ‘talk’. Over and over again, varying each time the viewer is looking at it.”

“The interpretion differs from viewer to viewer – it depends on his age, education, experiences of life, origin or sex. Sometimes I like to use a title to give a ‘hint’, but very often I leave it to the viewer to interprete.”
“I personally do not care ‘how’ a work is interpreted – as long as the photograph does animate at all.”

Classic Car, Muscle Car (Photography)


Reinfried Marass artwork

Reinfried Marass artwork

Reinfried Marass artwork

Reinfried Marass artwork