Lynn Masters

Lynn Masters

Lynn Masters

About The Artist:
Lynn Masters is an accomplished, Internationally recognized automotive artist.  She currently resides in Henderson, Nevada.   Lynn is an avid exotic car and race fan, as well as a high-performance racing school graduate.  She has realized that the only subjects that sustain her painting interests were of the same nature.  Her subjects?  Those machines that make our hearts race, the best-of-the-best in vehicles of movement and passion – exotics, high-performance, and racing.  She has even named her studio – “Adrenaline Art”.

Comments often heard around Lynn’s work include- “bold, powerful, paintings with energy and attitude”, which has exactly become her niche in the automotive art world.  Her ability to capture the shear passion and energy of her chosen subject’s essence has certainly become her trademark, notwithstanding the sheer size of her works which are usually measured in feet – not inches!

In her very first juried show, the Auburn Cord Duisenberg Invitation Art Show and Sale in Auburn Indiana, she was awarded the “Ribbon of Excellence”.  Lynn has been featured on the nationally televised show – “Dream Car Garage”, and was honored to participate in Michigan’s prestigious “Meadow Brook Concours d’Elegance” in 2006, where she was the only woman selected out of 14 artists chosen internationally.

Lynn was also selected to produce the inaugural poster art for the Las Vegas Concourse d’Elegance in 2006, and was  selected again to produce the same event’s “World Premier” poster art for 2007.

Some of Lynn’s original paintings have been reproduced in Limited Edition Giclee prints.  Both watercolor paper and canvas reproductions are available for most prints.  Paintings and prints are only available to those that feel that Adrenaline Rush around these exciting vehicles.

Classic Car, Motorcycle, Motorsport, and Muscle Car


Lynn Masters artwork

Lynn Masters artwork

Lynn Masters artwork

Lynn Masters artwork