Colored Pencil – Dan Reed


Dan Reed explains his techniques in creating a 1969 Pontiac GTO illustration using colored pencil on matt board.
Dan studied art at West Chester University. The majority of his work is based around his love of classic cars however, he enjoys keeping active in architectural renderings, train illustrations, and pet portraits.

See more of Dan Reed’s artwork at his web site –


This is the beginning stages of a 1969 Pontiac GTO illustration. Colored pencil on matt board. The shadow was created using 70% and 90% Cool Gray pencils. The tires were done in various values of Warm Gray.


The base layer of pencil is Orange. The second layer on the bottom half of the fenders is Poppy Red. Bright Yellow and 90% Cool Gray is used in the pinstripe graphics


White pencil is used to go over the Orange to create the highlights along the top portion of the body panels. 70% Warm Gray is used for the lower body crease. Various values of Warm Gray is used in the interior.


Take note of the rear view mirror and door handle compared to the previous photo. Add the illusion of chrome and add a cast shadow and it really comes to life.


Again, a very flat looking front fender so far (just a base layer of Orange pencil).


Now the fender has some shape to it.


Here I slowly render in the contours of the hood using a combination of Orange, Poppy Red & White pencil.


The grill details are complete (70% & 90% Cool Gray)


The completed artwork.

1 Comment

  1. Your work is just simply amazing! The Deusy in pencil is as real as I have ever seen. I am an Architect and this economy has forced me to take an early retirement after 30 years of a successful practice. I have always been a car guy and have always rendered buildings in marker or watercolor up until computer (BIM) took over. I want to start illustrating cars and have manafged to sell a couple of pieces (nothing at your level). Could you please tell me a little more about the Canson -Mi teintes paper that you use for pencil and when you use acrylic -do you apply it wet. What do you think about gouache? I know you are terribly busy but wood appreciate any assistance you might have. Thank you – Ron

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