Dan Binns

Dan Binns

Dan Binns

About The Artist:
I paint or draw something every single day. I didn’t go to art school and my only art qualifications are the pictures you see here. I’m not too worried about that lack of formal training. I firmly believe that all artists learn the same way anyway, and that’s by picking up a brush and making marks on a piece of paper. Learning a skill such as painting is like embarking on a long-distance walk through a jungle. A teacher can only give you a map and tell you what dangers to look out for on the way. Whether you have the map or not, you have to take every single step yourself.

I also think learning to paint is something that anyone can learn to do. However it takes a great amount of determination, because hacking through that jungle becomes difficult and problematic almost straight away. I don’t think successful artists started out on the journey with any special abilities, other than a great amount of stubbornness and self-belief.

I’ve been on this journey for 20 years and I don’t think I will ever find my Eldorado. However, every little painting is an adventure and I will continue as long as I can, progressing and exploring and wondering what treasure is around the next corner.

You can find my paintings on ebay at http://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/danandmrsdan. I’m also on https://www.facebook.com/brrmbrrmartwork

Classic Car, Motorsport, Portrait


http://brrmbrrm.tumblr.com (Site down since 04/19/2024)

Dan Binns Artwork 1

Dan Binns Artwork 2

Dan Binns Artwork 3

Dan Binns Artwork 4

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