Scott Fidler
About The Artist:
I specialize in car and truck art mostly, however I draw pretty much any kind of vehicle. I use pen, pencil, markers, colored pencil and a little bit of paint.
I’ve been drawing since I can remember. I started drawing car’s at about 5 or 6. Most of the work I do is for people who have a car or truck they own. They often dislpay the artwork at show’s along with their car. I draw freehand, I was often asked by teachers in school to draw pictures of their car’s. Although it didn’t help my grade’s much it was still fun to do just the same.
I have had several different carrier’s over the years from truck drivers to telecommunication technicians in the phone business. My website feature’s mostly recent work and I will be adding more work for display as they are completed.
Classic Car, Hot Rod/Custom Car, Motorcycle, Cartoon, Illustration